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Editing assistance tool validation for English language learners

Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2022). Editing assistance tool validation for English language learners. Journal of Enabling Technologies.


The weak link in assistive technology: The internet. The Impact of Technological Advancements on Educational Innovation.

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2021).

Understanding teacher perceptions of assistive technology. Journal of Special Education Technology. doi: 10.1177/0162643419841550 

Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2019).

The SETT framework for AT tool selection. Reading Rockets,  

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2018).

The three biggest misconceptions about assistive technology. Reading Rockets, misconceptions-about-assistive-technology.  

Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2018).

Parent Teacher Conversations About Assistive Technology Assistive technology: Parent to teacher

conversations. Reading Rockets,

Rose, M. K., Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2017).

Exercise training for neural recovery in a restricted sample of pediatric brain tumor survivors: a controlled clinical trial with crossover of training versus no training

Lily Riggs; Janine Piscione; Suzanne Laughlin; Todd Cunningham; Brian W. Timmons; Kerry S. Courneya; Ute Bartels; Jovanka Skocic; Cynthia de Medeiros; Fang Liu; Nicholas Persadie; Katrin Scheinemann; Nadia Scantlebury; Kamila U. Szulc; Eric Bouffet; Donald J. Mabbott. Exercise training for neural recovery in a restricted sample of pediatric brain tumor survivors: a controlled clinical trial with crossover of training versus no training Neuro-Oncology 2016; doi: 10.1093/neuonc/now177


White matter tract maturation and age-related changes in reaction time in childhood.

Scantlebury N, Cunningham T, Dockstader C, Laughlin S, Gaetz W, Rockel C, Dickson J, Mabbott D. Relations between white matter maturation and reaction time in childhood. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2014 Jan;20(1):99-112. doi: 10.1017/S1355617713001148. Epub 2013 Oct 29. PMID: 24168858.


Navigating the Postsecondary landscape

Freeman, J.G., Harrison, A., Holtermann, E., Jackson, I., & Cunningham, T. (2012) Navigating the Postsecondary landscape. In B. Wong & D. Butler (ed.). Learning about Learning Disabilities Forth Edition. Boston., Academic Press.


Inclusive education: A brief commentary on curriculum access for students with reading difficulties.

Martinussen, R., & Cunningham, T. (2011). Inclusive education: A brief commentary on curriculum access for students with reading difficulties. Inquiry into Practice. (This was an invited commentary for the Inclusive Education Project).


The effects of age an attention on the perception of motion.

Reed, M., Weingarten, L., & Cunningham, T. (2010). The effects of age an attention on the perception of motion. Journal of Vision 6(6):586-586


Right to Read and Accommodations. 

Cunningham, T., Staffiere, E., & Page, D. (2022, May).

Presentation to the Association for Special Education Technology. 

Presentation Slides

Editing assistance tool validation for English language learners [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 82nd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Virtual.

Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2021, Jun.). 

Teachers’ training experiences and knowledge of assistive technology [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. 82nd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Virtual.

Lamond, B., Mo, S., & Cunningham, T. (2021, Jun.). 

Impact of language complexity on typing speeds of school-aged children: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. CPA's 82nd annual National Convention, Virtual.

Staffiere, E., & Cunningham, T. (2021, Jun.).

Incidences of cannabis use in teens with addiction: Comparing pre- and post-legalization in Canada [Unofficial poster]. Research Opportunities Program Project, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Zakala, C., Mistry, S., Staffiere, E., & Cunningham, T. (2021, Apr.). 

Teachers’ perceptions of assistive technology training and knowledge [Unofficial poster]. Research Opportunities Program Project, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Mo, S., Lamond, B., Staffiere, E., & Cunningham, T. (2021, Apr.). 

Investigating the onset of cognitive overload and its impact on effortful performance [Unofficial poster]. Research Opportunities Program Project, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Mehrotra, M., Wall, F., Staffiere, E., & Cunningham, T. (2021, Apr.). 

Processing Deficits for Students with Learning Disabilities: Interventions for Working Memory and Processing Speed

Cunningham, T., Lamond, B., & McNaughtan, H. (2020, August).

Presentation to the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario. Virtual Presentation.  

Guiding Effective Assistive Technology Recommendations: New Research, Solutions, and Tools for CPA Annual National Convention

Lamond, B., McNaughtan, H., Staffiere, E., & Cunningham, T. (June 2020)

Presentation Slides

ATSelect: Finding the Right AT for Your Student for LDAHH

McNaughtan, H., Staffiere, E., Wall, F., Page, D. (March 2020)

Presentation Slides

Hypothesis Driven Assessment Model

Cunningham (Jan 2020)

Presentation Slides

Protocol Handout

Lessons learned from conducting remote/tele-individual and group therapy: Review of the evidence and what we are learning from practice. 73rd Ontario Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Tasca, G., McCabe, R., & Cunningham, T. (2020, Nov.).

OPA remote/tele-assessment guidelines: Reviewing the evidence across the lifespan – how to conduct assessments in our new world! 73rd Ontario Psychological Association meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Velikonja, D., Cunningham, T., Gates, B., & Lennox, C. (2020, Nov.).

Processing deficits for students with learning disabilities: Interventions for working memory and processing speed. Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario, Virtual.

Cunningham, T., Lamond, B., & McNaughtan, H. (2020, Aug.).

Using assistive technology to facilitate idea generation [Virtual poster presentation]. CPA 2020 Convention, Virtual.

Wall, F., & Cunningham, T. (2020, Jul. 8–11).

Differentiating developmental trauma from intellectual functioning and language impairments: A case study [Paper within a symposium]. 81st Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Montréal, QC, Canada.

Khan, M., Lamond, B., Simone, A., & Cunningham, T. (2020, Jul.). 

Teacher mental health literacy and identification of emerging psychopathology in students [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 82nd annual National Convention, Virtual.

Page, D., & Cunningham, T. (2020, Jun.).

Writing Using AT: New Research, Strategies and Tools for CEC

Lamond, B., Wall, F., & Staffiere, E. (November 2019)

Presentation Slides

Building Up Children by Breaking Down Writing for LD@School

Staffiere, E., & Wall, F. (August 2019)

Presentation Slides

Setting Students Up for Success with Assistive Technology for LD@School

Lamond, B., Scott, H., & D’Mello, M. (August 2019)

Presentation Slides

Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Teachers’ Perspectives.

Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2019, August).

Peer-reviewed poster presentation to the 2019 American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, United States of America.  

Supporting the mental health needs of secondary/post-secondary students with Assistive Technology

Cunningham, T., Petty, L., & Ko, S. (June 2019)

Presentation Slides

School Psychology Program: A New Training Model

Cunningham, T. (May 2019)

Presentation Slides The Assistive Technology Tool Selection Protocol for ASET

McNaughtan, H.,  Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (April 2019)

Presentation Slides

Assistive Technology Selection Protocol for CCO

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (January 2019)

Presentation Slides


Update on Learning Disabilities: Fostering Student Success

Cunningham, T. (January 2019)

Presentation Slides

Ontario Psychological Association Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Assessment of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Learning Disabilities

Cross-sectoral Group: Dr. Todd Cunningham, Dr. Allyson Harrison, Dr. Maria Kokai, Dr. Debra Lean, Dr. Carolyn Lennox, Dr. Judy Wiener

Private Practice: Dr. Ester Cole  (2018)

Presentation Slides Getting the Right Assistive Technology Tool to Support Students with Academic Difficulties.

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2018, November). Presentation to the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children. Toronto, Canada.  

Assistive Technology. Presentation to the Epilepsy Work in Progress Conference. Toronto, Canada. 

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2018, June).  

Practical Strategies for Psychological Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children and Adolescents

Geva, E., Weiner, J., &Cunningham, T.  (2018)

Presentation Slides

Effective Integration of Assistive Technology in the Classroom

Cunningham, T. & Lamond, B. (2018)

Presentation Slides


What the Research is Telling use about Learning Disabilities: Identification to Intervention – Ottawa

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Slides


St Joseph Rounds

Update on Learning Disabilities: What Do We Know, Can We Do, Can we Improve?

Cunningham, T., Lamond

Presentation Slides


L'Institut des Troubles de L'Apprentissage Congres 2018

Ferrari, J., Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2018). Using Data to Plan Effective Literacy Interventions.

Presentation to L’Institut des Troubles de L’Apprentissage Congrès 2018. Montreal, Canada.


International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018

Lamond, B., & Cunningham, T. (2018). Understanding Teacher Perspectives of Assistive Technologies. Peer reviewed poster presentation to the International Congress of Applied Psychology. Montreal, Canada.


Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario 2018

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2018). Effective Integration of Assistive Technology in the

Classroom. Presentation to the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario. Mississauga,



Association for Special Education 2018

Cunningham, T., Lamond, B., & McNaughtan, H. (2018). Selecting AT Products: Can OneNote Really Do it All?. Presentation to the Association for Special Education Technology. Niagara Falls,Canada.

Presentation Slides


L'Institut des Troubles de L'Apprentissage Congres 2018

Ferrari, J., Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2018). Using Data to Plan Effective Literacy Interventions.

Presentation to L’Institut des Troubles de L’Apprentissage Congrès 2018. Montreal, Canada.

Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario 2017

Cunningham, T., Ferrari, J. & Lamond, B. (2017). Planning and Implementing Effective

Literacy Interventions. Presentation to the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario.

Mississauga, Canada.


Association for Special Education 2017

Cunningham, T., & Lamond, B. (2017). The weak link in AT – The internet. Presentation to

the Association for Special Education Technology. Niagara Falls, Canada.

Presentation Slides


Child Development Update 2017

Cunningham, T.,

Presentation Slides


Paediatricians Windsor

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Slides


How Assistive Technology is Changing the Way We View Learning Disabilities

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Slides


Benchmarking and Progress Monitoring

Cunningham, T.  (2017). Institu des Troubles d’apprentissage

Presentation Slides


Assistive Technology Workshop for TCDSB

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Slides

What the Research is Telling use about Learning Disabilities: Identification to Intervention

Cunningham, T. (2017).  Dorothy Hill Symposium, OPA, 2016 & MOE LD Reference Group.

Presentation Slides

Update on Literacy and LD

Cunningham, T. (2016). Update on Literacy and Learning Disabilities. Practical Pediatrics Ontario 2016. 

Presentation Slides


Hastings And Prince Edward District School Board

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Slides


How Assistive Technology is Changing the Way We View Learning Disabilities

Cunningham, T. (2016). How Assistive Technology is Changing the Way We View Learning Disabilities. LD@School 2016 Conference

Presentation Slides

Association for Special Education 2018

Cunningham, T. The Need to Rebrand Assistive Technology (2016). Presentation to the Association for Special Education Technology. Niagara Falls,

Presentation Slides


What parents can do to help with their Children’s mental health

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Slides


What is new in Literacy and Learning Disabilities

Cunningham, T. SickKids Mental Health Rounds, 2016.

Presentation Notes


Supporting Students That Learn Differently in a Technological Area

Cunningham, T.

Presentation Notes

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© 2024 By Dr. Todd Cunningham

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