Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the final stage of reading development. Understanding what is being read requires good vocabulary knowledge and a solid grasp of fundamental reading skills. When basic reading skills are underdeveloped, reading takes a lot of time and cognitive resources, leaving less energy to remember what is being read. At more complex levels, reading comprehension also involves interpreting the meaning of a text beyond its literal interpretation. Can your child:
Read a passage and then tell you what it is about?
Answer literal questions about the content of the material?
Infer abstract meaning from the text?
Weaknesses in Reading Comprehension may lead to difficulties in understanding the meaning of a text. If a child has challenges with reading comprehension, this may be an indication that vocabulary or an earlier reading skill is underdeveloped.
Handout for parents of struggling students: Reading Comprehension Handout
Resources for Parents:
Comprehension (Read Naturally)
Comprehension (Reading Rockets)
Seven Strategies to Teach Reading Comprehension (Reading Rockets)
Resources for Teachers:
Fourth and Fifth Grade (Florida Center for Reading Research)
Teacher Resource Guide (Florida Center for Reading Research)
Reading and the Brain: Strategies for Decoding, Fluency, and Comprehension (LD at School)