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Pediatric Literacy Screening Project

Overivew of Project

Numerous healthcare practitioners receive referrals from schools for students who are facing behavioral or learning issues, which may stem from underlying medical conditions. Therefore, it's crucial for family physicians and pediatricians to conduct screenings for reading difficulties. Given the time constraint of a typical appointment, this assessment should be divided into two phases: the initial stage involves a series of screening questions, followed by the application of screening tools in the second stage.


Reading Screening Tool

Main website:

Paper & Pencil Training with Videos:

Tablet Administration Tool:

To find the Acadience administration manual, which includes detailed instructions and examples for all tasks in the reading screening tool, copy-paste the following into the search bar of your web browser: acadience reading k-6 assessment manual

Pediatric Literacy Screening Protocol

Protocol used for idenfiying student reading risk status


Our comprehensive literacy screening protocol is designed to accurately assess children for potential reading difficulties. Using a simple yet effective 5-step process, you'll be able to identify students at risk and make timely recommendations for evidence-based reading interventions. Let's make a difference in children's educational journeys!

Protocol Worksheet.png

Step 1:
Initial Screening Questions

  • What to Do: Use the protocol page to ask the 6 screening questions.

  • Source: These questions are taken from the Colorado Learning Difficulties Questionnaire.

  • Scoring: Use a 5-point Likert scale, with 'Never' as 1 and 'Always' as 5. Add the scores together.

  • Outcome: If the total score is 16 or higher, proceed to Step 2. If below 16, the student is typically developing.

Screening Questions.png

Step 2:
Administer Standardized Reading Assessment

What to Use: Acadience Reading Screeners.
Platform Options: Use the online platform on your tablet or touchscreen computer here or download a paper-and-pencil version here.
Note: Choose the appropriate grade and time of the year for the student. Record the results on the Pediatric Literacy Screening Protocol as the software doesn't save scores.

Ipad Reading Screening.png

Step 3:
Determine Risk Level

Software Guidance: If using the tablet software, it will automatically provide you with the score and indicate the risk level.

Norm Table: Use the norm table in the user manual.

  • High At-Risk: At or below the 10th percentile

  • At-Risk: Between the 10th and 20th percentile

  • Typical: Between the 20th and 90th percentile

  • Accelerated: At or above the 90th percentileAcc

Focus Area: The lowest score in the At-Risk or High At-Risk range should be the intervention focus.

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Step 4:
Choose Suitable Interventions

Visit: Academic Intervention Lab
Options: Different literacy skills can be selected for intervention

Resources: Clicking on each skill will provide you with additional information and resources. A link to "Handout for parents of struggling students" is also available for download.

Literacy Handout.png

Step 5: Communicate Findings

What to Use: Pediatrician to School Template Letter
Purpose: To share the assessment results so that the school can follow up with the student.
Access: The template can be downloaded here.

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